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About QBuS

The IARU (International Amateur Radio Union) has a good working world wide QSL-service that allows radio amateurs to send and receive QSL-cards at low cost. This QSL-service however can only work properly if you deliver your outgoing QSL-cards to your local QSL-manager sorted the right way.
QBuS (QSL Bureau Search) is a small online application that helps you to sort your outgoing QSL-card properly. Just enter a callsign (or prefix) and QBuS will tell you the correct QSL-bueau and the prefix you have to sort the QSL-card under.
In addition QBuS: QBuS uses the Amateur Radio Country Files.
QBuS is made available to all radio amateurs as a courtesy of UBA (Belgian Amateur Radio Society), the Belgian IARU member association.

About IARU

The IARU (International Amateur Radio Union) is the world wide federation of national associations of radio amateurs. IARU is a member of ITU (International Telecommunication Union, the United Nations agency for information and communication technology issues).
IARU defends the interests of all radio amateur, world wide. Via your membership of your national association you also support IARU. A list of IARU member associations can be found here.

About UBA

UBA (Belgian Amateur Radio Society) is the sole Belgian IARU member association and thus respresents Belgian radio amateurs on international level. The vast majority of the active Belgian radio amateurs are affiliated with UBA. As such UBA defends also the interests of the Belgian radio amateurs with the federal and regional governments and their administrations
In addition UBA provides a number of services to its members, such as:
Enjoy these services and support amateur radio in Belgium: become a member of UBA, register online.

Launch QBuS

Click here to launch QBuS.
The current version is 4.01 (April 2015).



Rik Strobbe, ON7YD